Elton Correia
The partners of Smart Against Ageism project met on November 28th and 29th in Gouda for a transnational project meeting, hosted by AFEdemy.
During the last weeks, a first beta version of the game was shared with the partners and an internal peer-review and bug-fixing was conducted. Final conceptual changes were discussed at the TPM and the first changes to the game were reviewed together. We can say: “It’s coming to life” because the game is about to be launched soon.

The toolkit for the trainers (PR3) and the policy recommendations brochure (PR4) were presented and discussed. The trainer toolkit is almost finalised and will be published in translated form at the beginning of next year.
To end our meeting, we had the opportunity to hear a presentation from Stitching iDb, a Dutch foundation that identifies, prevents, and combats discrimination and unequal treatment. IDb presented some laws implemented in the Netherlands and some of the measures they are taking to support those affected by age discrimination.
The interesting discussion and transnational exchange was a perfect way to end the transnational partner meeting. We are looking forward to continuing to work on this project!