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First results of the survey in Germany

Marcel Neumann, Jesper Schulze

ISIS Institute for Social Infrastructure is the German partner of the Smart Against Ageism (SAA) project.

In the research part of the project, people aged 55 and older were interviewed about their everyday experiences. The focus was on experiences with age discriminatory acts. Through the survey and a simultaneous literature research, some important insights were already gained.

The survey made it clear that age discrimination occurs in various social contexts such as the labour market, within health care and nursing, in the social and personal environment as well as in public space. In this context, discriminatory actions and stereotypes have various serious consequences for those affected: poorer access to jobs, to good medical care or to services and public transport. This has a strong impact on participation and self-esteem.

The next step is to develop characters for the SAA game and the corresponding game scenes based on the answers of the interview partners. Reports with detailed results can be downloaded from in autumn.