Juliana Louceiro & Natália Machado
SHINE 2Europe, the Portuguese partner of the SAA project, held a workshop with older people on March 2nd, to validate the SAA game scenes.

SHINE, represented by researchers Juliana Louceiro and Natália Machado, held a workshop with users of the Residential Structure of the Dr José Lourenço Júnior Foundation. The SHINE team met with a group of older adults to present the project, script and scenarios of the game, the users contributed with their opinion and discussed about what could be done when facing the described cases and how people and institutions should deal with situations of age discrimination. The collection of feedback is fundamental for the development of the game, as it allows it to become as close to reality as possible.
The same survey is being carried out in other countries and the suggestions given by the participants will be used to improve the game in the coming months.