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Smart Against Ageism: partnership for the Portuguese national report

SHINE 2Europe

In the Smart Against Ageism (SAA) project, the partners involved are completing the national reports, which will serve as the basis for the construction of the Compendium “Responding to Ageism”. For the construction of these materials, the consortium partners collected data about the realities of each country and interviewed people who have already suffered this type of discrimination, as well as health and social care professionals.

In Portugal, SHINE was responsible for elaborating the national report and had the incredible support of AD ELO and specifically Mónica Sousa for the development of the interviews with older adults. AD ELO is a private non-profit association that aims at the local and regional development of the central region of Portugal and an associated partner of SAA. In the next steps of the project, we also hope to count on the support of AD ELO for the development and co-creation of the learning platform and the game!