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Bulgarian Multiplier Event

Kalina Ekova

On the 21st of June, Alzheimer Bulgaria held the Bulgarian Multiplier Event in Sofia. Representatives from different organizations and national institutions and students from universities were invited.

Kalina Ekova, coordinator at Alzheimer Bulgaria, presented the project’s main results. She introduced the participants to the topic of ageism using some of the activities within the Toolkit for Trainers and encouraged them to include this material in their work. She explained the methodology of developing the “Responding to Ageism” compendium and the “Policy Recommendations”. Then, the participants were invited to try out the SAA game.

All in all, all of the attendees were interested in the project results and expressed willingness to use them in their training and in their everyday work.

Lastly, there was a discussion about the “National Bulgarian Strategy for active ageing of older people 2019-2030”. The strong and weak sides of this document were commented on. It was considered how to transfer some of the good practices and recommendations in Bulgaria. All participants engaged with the topic and showed commitment to work to improve the situation for older people in Bulgaria.